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Training for corporates: Boost your business performance

Empower your employees, enhance productivity, and achieve your business goals with our comprehensive training solutions.

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What is a corporate training?

Corporate training, also known as workplace learning, goes beyond simply providing information. It's a strategic investment in your employees' personal and professional development, empowering them with the skills and knowledge they need to excel. These educational activities, encompass a wide range of topics, from essential soft skills like communication and conflict resolution to role-specific competencies aligned with your business needs.

Why is corporate training important for your business?

The LinkedIn 2023 Workplace Learning Report shows that the skills required for a given job are changing rapidly. Currently, the skills companies and organizations need most can be recorded under the category of human skills: management, communication, leadership, and teamwork – all of them carried out with an agile mindset. Businesses that are facing the shortage of skilled workers should focus on upskilling and reskilling their employees. In-house corporate training that is individualized for your company or organization helps to …

  1. align learning programs to your specific business goals 
  2. create a culture of learning
  3. improve employee retention

You want to upskill your team and develop your employees further? Get in touch and tell us which corporate training you need.

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What we offer

We offer courses for academic partners, companies, and public organizations. It is possible to train your team online, in-house at your workplace or on-site at our own premises. Our portfolio on corporate training courses covers the following trainings:

  1. courses on cultural awareness such as our diversity and inclusion training as well as our training on cultural competence
  2. a course on positive leadership and change management
  3. our conflict management training
  4. a course on project management and problem-solving
  5. our training on corporate social responsibility

We can create an individual offer tailored to your specific needs. We are looking forward to helping you achieve your business goals. Feel free to reach out to us.

Please use this form for your request.

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Why choose FUB-ContinuEd for your corporate training?

  • We offer a range of training programs that are needed today.
  • Our trainers are experts in their field.
  • We create a tailor-made course for you, according to your needs in terms of course content, format, length and venue.
  • We use a variety of learning methods to ensure that participants are engaged and actively learning.
  • We offer a continuing education certificate from Freie Universität Berlin.


If you have further questions, please get in touch!

Maria Heckmann
Program Manager